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Jul 9 / kkrizka

No Bus Fares?

Here is an interesting proposal: eliminate bus fares in Vancouver! The author goes over 17 reasons why this is a good idea and plans to discuss each in more detail later. This definitely is a series to follow!

Since I am not an economist, I cannot have a valid opinion on it. But, as a bus user, I think it is a great idea. However, there are sill a few problems. For example, there is a shortage of buses, as anyone ever going from Burnaby to UBC would tell you. There are large lineups to get on the 99B-Line bus, even though 3 of them leave at any time! Also many other buses leave only every 30 minutes or so, which is not very convenient if one wants to travel anywhere quickly.

What I would love to see is TransLink getting rid of different Zones. It might not be as nice as no fares, but at least it’s a start.

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