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Oct 7 / kkrizka

AMELIA – an ATLAS simulator

AMELIA is a simulator of the new ATLAS detector being built at the CERN laboratory. It was designed as an educational tool for high school students that are interested in physics. Even though it is still at an alpha stage, most of the features have been fully implemented. Just check out the video at the end of this post for more information.

As of now there are a few sources available under the BSD License in their SourceForge.Net SVN repository, but they are quite outdates. First of all, they only work on Windows. Even though they are using cross-platform libraries, there are a few caveats that are specific to Windows. However they are not critical, so disabling them will still work. I have managed to get the source compiled, but the program does not work on 64-bin Linux as of now due to a bug in the library they are using. More ever their sound library is proprietary, and I have not been able to locate a 64-bit binary.

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