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Oct 17 / kkrizka

Plot-O-Matic: Show Off Your Data

Those that attended the Canadian Physics Undergraduate Conference in 2007 at the Simon Fraser University got a “gift” from one of the sponsors: an account with Plot-O-Matic. This online tool allows scientists to do their statistical calculations from any computer that has a web browser. Also it has a lot of advanced features that do calculations on your data, perform curve fitting, generate error bars, and allow importing data from other offline tools.

This product is still at it’s beta stages, so the premium features are free. However as the author finishes working on it, there will be a $50 fee for anyone who wants to stay as a premium user. I think that this fee is worth it if you do a lot of statistical work from may different features. However for an average user, the free version will be enough because it has just the following limitations: 5 editable datasets, and only 5 data columns and 5 graphs per dataset.


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  1. Scott Patten / Oct 20 2007

    Hi Karol,

    Thanks for the comments on Plot-O-Matic, and I’m glad you find it useful. My goal is to make it not only useful, but a pleasure to use. I’d love to hear any thoughts you have on what could make it more useful or fun for you.

    Thanks again!

    Scott Patten

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