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Oct 23 / kkrizka

Blogging Tuesday: How I Manage To Find Time To Update My Blog

I am currently taking 5 courses at university, so as you can imagine I have quite a busy life. However I still manage to blog on the side, and blog quite a lot. On most days you can see on average two new posts. How do I manage to find time for writing all the posts? After all, I am quite lazy.

Let me first start by listing all the problems that I run into. First of all I have no time. I stay at the univeristy until 7:00 each day to finish all my assignments and get my studying done. Next blogging is hard, not only you first have to think of something to write about, but also you have to sit down and write it all. That is quite a lot of work, and everyone is a natural procrastinator. Also there are many distractions around me, such as different programming projects that I like to hack on or just reading other articles and forums in general

The solution that I came up with is quite simple: blog only on Tuesdays. Every Tuesday morning, I have several hours before my classes start, so I don’t have anything to do. Since it is morning, I am still not fully awake so I cannot get any studying done. This means that I have nothing to do, so why not spend the time blogging? Also I have a couple of hours to do it, which is quite a long time. This means I can write several articles, and just edit the timestamp on the post to have it published some other day. I usually manage to write about 6 articles, which takes me almost to the end of the week. This takes care of the busy schehdule. Also since I’m writing non-stop, I have no mental barrier that I have to get over to start working again. This gets over the problem of having to start to write. Finally I do all the writing from the library computers at SFU, so there are no applications to distract me. Also I use an iMac, which have the very sensitive Mighty Mouse attached. I’m not used to them, so I have quite a lot of trouble handing it and clicking precisely on links. This makes writing much more pleasurable than just browsing the internet. 🙂

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