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Dec 22 / kkrizka

Rhythmbox Supports PSPs?

While running the update manager for Ubuntu Hardy Heron, I noticed the following entry in the change log for the latest Rhytmbox:

– Support PSPs with newer firmware

Rhythmbox is the default music player for the GNOME desktop on the Ubuntu distribution, it is like iTunes on Mac. One of its features is the support for transferring songs to iPods and other MP3 players, but I did not know it supports PSP’s file structure. Apparently it does, but I am not sure what that means yet, because I do not have my PSP with me right now to try it out. If it were to convert the songs from OGG to MP3 before coying, it would be great. Just imagine, an application similar to the PSP Media Manager, but installed by default and for free!

Amarok, KDE’s music manager, supports PSP’s too after a bit of scripting. All you need is a file format conversion script installed and set the supported file types to MP3. Then add your PSP as a generic media mass storage player with the default folder as MUSIC. I will write a more detailed guide in the future, after Amarok2 stabilizes as I am currently using it.

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