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Jan 7 / kkrizka

Back To School For Spring 2008

It is the time of the year again that students start getting up and out of their bed in the morning again so they can try to catch a packed bus to get to school. Today marks the first day of lectures at the Simon Fraser University and I’m already waiting in room AQ4130 for my physic lecture to begin. While I’m doing that, I’m also thinking of what habits helped me last semester and what I would like to try this semester. Let me start with listing the latter.

  • Computerized notes. Now that I have a tablet PC, I would like to try using it to its full potential. I already have xournal, a GNOME notetaking application, installed and tested for use. I think that digitized notes would help me because I will always have them with me and they will be easier to find. Of course there might be a few pitfalls; for example, I will always have to carry my laptop with me or the digitezer pen might not be as comfortable and fast as pen and paper.
  • Cellphone on campus. I now have a cellphone with me at all times. I do not think that it has any help with my academic education, but it is of great convenience as I can find people easier.
  • Joining clubs. I did not join any clubs last year because I did not find any that were of interest to me. I think that I will look around more this semester, because I would like something to do when I am bored and I would like to meet more people. I think that I should lower my “interest threshold” and join less appealing clubs. After all, they might turn out to be fun after I join them!
  • Book locker. Instead of a gym locker I will get a book locker this semester. This way I do not have to bring heavy books to school to work on assignments and I will have access to them whenever I need them.

There are also a few habits from last year that I found very useful.

  • Morning exercise. I found that going to the gym early in the morning was very refreshing and woke me up for my lectures. Sure I had to wake up earlier, but I made up for that by going to sleep ever sooner.
  • Doing assignment at school. This was probably the best choice I made last semester. I tried to finish all my assignments before I went home for the day. This way I could just relax at home and not be stressed about late assignments. I hope to continue doing this for a long time.

If you have any tips or tricks that help you get through your semesters, why not share them in the comments section? Other than that, good luck with your studying!

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