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Mar 5 / kkrizka

Where Find The Perfect Numer Plate In England

I have not done a paid review in some time because there just were no interesting offers. But today I received an review request from Northnumbia Numbers, a website that makes it easy to find car number plates for the county of Northumberland in Eastern England. Even though I do not live in England, I still find the site quite fun to browse and type in random phrases. My favourite number plate that I found so far is TE57 KAR, or in other words: Test Karol. If you lived in Northumberland, what number plate would you choose? Hint: there are quite a lot of interesting ones with the phrase PSP in it.

As for the design of the website, it is quite well done. The home page displays the search box prominently in the center of the page and offers different options. Also if you do manage to find a number plate that you like, you can order directly by clicking the link right beside the result. You can also look at some previous search statistics to see what others are looking for.

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