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Nov 12 / kkrizka

Changing Course From Applied Mathematics to Philosophy of Science

On Monday I blogged about the courses that I am planning to take during the Spring 2008 semester at SFU. However it changed, like things always do, after I realized that I signed up for the wrong course. I do not need to take MATH-232: Applied Linear Algebra, instead I need to take MATH-240: Elementary Linear Algebra, which conflicts with my schedule. So I decided to take another “Breath” course from the humantities, to fulfill my requirements for my degree. The course I decided to take was advertised by Professor Sam Black during his Moral Philosophy lecture, and I immediatly knew I wanted to take it. The course I am talking about is PHIL-144: Philosophy in the Natural And Social Sciences.

The course is being taught by Dr. Jillian McIntosh, and the following is its description:

An introduction to philosophical issues concerning the nature of science. Topics to be discussed include the distinction between science and pseudo-science, the nature of scientific method, the nature of explanation in the natural and social sciences, the phenomenon of scientific change, the relationship between scientific theory and observation, and the objectivity of social science.

The course can take care of either the B-Hum or the B-Sci breath requirements for SFU students, so it is good for Arts and Sciences students. I am taking it, because I am very interested not only in the usage and discovery of science, but also in its roots. That is important for anyone in science to know, so they can understand the basis on which scientific discoveries are being announced as facts and their truthfullness.

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